Why Every Cardboard Fort Should Have an Escape Chute


In 4 Cool Hand Drawn Steps

playful parenting

Transform your fort, by adding an escape chute!
Cardboard Fort with Escape Chute

Fuel your kids creative play by adding a fun interactive element to their cardboard fort, namely a sneaky escape chute.

This will transform even the most rudimentary constructions, such as the one above!

Here It Is in Action

Illustration of a Lego shark
Illustration of a cardboard fort with escape chute

Step by Step Guide

This project doesn’t need a lot of explaining, let’s jump to it…

How to make an escape chute for your cardboard fort: illusration 1

Step 1: Cut a rectangular piece of card, from the front of a cereal box and roll it into a chute shape. Cut glue tabs into one end of the chute.

Position the chute in your fort (tabbed end upwards) and angled enough for the Lego character to slide. Glue the tabs onto the inside of your fort (A).

Glue the other end of the chute to the bottom of the box in front of the exit hole (B). If you have a hot glue-gun use that, its so much quicker.

How to make an escape chute for your cardboard fort: illusration 2

Step 2: Place a toilet roll tube on top of the fort, above the top end of the chute, and trace around the inside using a pencil.

Cut out the circle with a craft knife.

Next, cut ‘battlements’ into the end of the tube (A) and glue a narrow card platform onto the inside (B)… big enough for the Lego man to stand on it, but small enough for him (or her!) to get past.

How to make a gun turret for your cardboard fort: illusration 3

Step 3: And, here’s a bonus idea… accesorise your fort with a rotating gun turret using a paper clip as a pivot and a kebab stick as a gun barrel!

Creative Takeaway

Making a cardboard fort is a rite of passage for every child… but no one said they had to be realistic medieval replicas, so have fun, and add your own imaginative touches!

Written & Created By

Owner, Brick on the Egg - Ideation, Design, Illustration & Animation | Maker, Best Selling Author

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/scottbedford

Web: brickontheegg.com

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