Inventive Books & Craft Sets

By Scott Bedford

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Made by Papa Advent Book (2023)

Publisher: Frechverlag, Stuttgart

Build your own chain reaction machine in 24 days : Behind the doors of the Advent calendar are detailed step-by-step instructions and illustrated craft sheets in Made-by-Papa style for assembly. With a few additional materials that are easy to find, you can create a wonderfully crazy machine.

Made by Papa Outdoor (2022)

Publisher: Frechverlag, Stuttgart

German language follow-up to the best selling Made by Papa (the German edition of Made by Dad). Launches in Spring 2022, along with two accompanying craft sets, see below.

Made by Papa Craft Sets (2022)

Publisher: Frechverlag, Stuttgart

German language craft sets that tie-in with the Made by Papa Outdoor book.

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Mega-Maze Adventure! (2020)

Publisher: Workman, New York

A-MAZE-ING. Not just a maze–the book itself is a maze! A portal opens on the front cover, and the maze continues through every page, making this the world’s longest maze in a book.

Made by Dad (2013)

Publisher: Workman, New York

Chock full of extraordinary, custom-designed how-to projects for DIY parents everywhere... from full-length, artfully illustrated creations to smaller, MacGyver-like challenges. Over 120k copies sold.

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